Friday, February 25, 2011

So here's to a new journey!

So.. WELCOME.... I am just learning how to blog, and have been really inspired by others to begin sharing my creativity, thoughts, and discoveries!  So be kind... as this is my baby... and a new journey for me!  I am a "20 something" female.  I live in the Northshore Boston area.  I moved to this area about 3 years ago for a job... and for Grad School!  I grew up in Maine, and still find that to be where my heart is and will always be!  In fact, my heart is there... as my boyfriend lives there... he encourages my craziness... and my crafting... and my busy life... he's AMAZING!  I often wonder how I got so lucky to find an individual as supportive as he is... who brings a smile to my face daily!  My mom continues to reassure me that it is because I found myself a good Maine Man!  She knew all along I would find him!  I am a Chemist by day... I love it, and it keeps my brain working.  I also coach varsity girl's field hockey... which is a humbling and an incredibly amazing job... (if that's what I can even call it... I love it too much to call it work)!  I am a Grad Student and an Independent Scentsy Consultant... which you will see me talk about frequently I am sure... because I love my home to smell amazing.. and Scentsy does that for me and others... But the true reason I am blogging...   I really... I mean REALLY... love crafting.  Sewing... Mod Podge (my new obsession)... painting... you name it I want to try it!  I blame my mom for that, and hopefully will be able to share a lot of her creativity here as well... So, I hope this to be a place to share my creative works... the creative works of others... and ideas that go through this busy mind of mine!